Biomass fuel from straw, straw, rice husk, peanut shells, corn cobs, oil tea shells, cottonseed shells and other "three leftovers" through the processing of new energy in the form of environmental protection. The diameter of biomass pellets is generally 6 to 10 millimeters. According to the Swedish and EU biomass pellet classification standards, if we take the middle classified value as an example, biomass pellets can be roughly described as the following characteristics: biomass pellets are generally 6~8 mm in diameter, 4~5 times longer than its diameter, crushing rate is less than 1.5%~2.0%, the dry basis of the moisture content is less than 10%~15%, the ash content is less than 1.5%, the sulfur and chlorine content is less than 0.07%, the nitrogen and chlorine content is less than 0.07%, the nitrogen and chlorine content is less than 0.07%, and the nitrogen and chlorine content is less than 0.07%. less than 0.07%, and nitrogen content less than 0.5%. If additives are used, they should be agricultural and forestry products, and the type and quantity used should be indicated. The EU standard does not provide a specific value for the calorific value of biomass pellets, but requires sellers to label them.